So I attended the course TACCLE: Creating your own e-learning content in school education and adult education, which took place in Ancona, Italy (3rd - 10th April), and organized by GO! onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. I had previously applied for a grant to PROALV, the Portuguese National Agency (Comenius Program), and I was lucky enough to receive it.
Everything about this course was great! The organization was perfect (thank you Jens, Kylene and Elmo); the trainers were very competent, helpful and friendly; the contents interesting and motivating; the other participants very nice and friendly; the food in generous quantities.
From all I've mentioned before, I'm sure you've already guessed that I loved the course and I sincerely advise everyone to apply next year. It will also be in April in Ancona, but I'll provide more details in a few days.
I'll also be posting more information on the contents (eXe, Mindmaping, Moodle, Mahara...).
Take care!
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